Fertilizer Facts

"[A] key turning point in the industrialization of our food can be dated with some precision to the day in 1947 when the huge munitions plant at Muscle Shoals, Alabama, switched over to making chemical fertilizer.

"After the war the government had found itself with a tremendous surplus of ammonium nitrate, the principal ingredient in the making of explosives. Ammonium nitrate also happens to be an excellent source of nitrogen for plants. Serious thought was given to spraying America’s forests with the surplus chemical, to help out the timber industry. But agronomists in the Department of Agriculture had a better idea: Spread the ammonium nitrate on farmland as fertilizer. The chemical fertilizer industry (along with that of pesticides, which are based on poison gases developed for the war) is the product of the government’s effort to convert its war machine to peacetime purposes."

(by Michael Pollan in The Ominvore’s Dilemma)
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1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Thanks Margaret.
We really enjoyed reading the information at your how-to-make-compost site. May we post a link to that for our readers?