Slow Money Alliance

Do you ever feel like things are just moving too fast??

With trillions of dollars zooming around the planet, we should not be surprised to end up with cheapened, low-nutritional food, millions of acres of GMO corn and soy, billions of food miles, dying Main streets, kids who think food comes from supermarkets and obesity epidemics side by side with persistent hunger.

There is a better way. It is a new movement that is bringing money back down to earth, appreciating the energy of small food entrepreneurs who are forging new, healthy relationships in our communities. I'm helping them to build a new kind of investing, a new kind of investor, a new kind of economy. Want to join in too?

Google and sign their principles to get involved.
Also check out - ACRES (The Voice of Eco-Agriculture), Nov. 2009, Vol. 39, ##11 - "Bringing Money Back to the Earth - Slow Money: 'Nuture Capital' for Communities and the Environment."

- What would the world be like if we invested 50% of our assets within 50 miles of where we live?

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