Does your Milk or Cheese have rBGH?

"Monsanto has been very concerned about the public's reaction and possible mistrust of their new cow drug. And so it is no surprise that a former Monsanto employee, who was rehired by the company after his tenure at the FDA, was responsible for writing regulations prohibiting food labels that would tell consumers whether or not they were getting rBGH-treated products. Monsanto itself got into the act in 1994 by suing two milk processors for try to label their products 'BGH free', and was reported to have sent out about 2000 warning letters to other dairy processors and retailers.

Today, consumers still have difficulty knowing whether their milk, cream, cheese, ice cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products are made from rBGH-treated cows. About 30% of all U.S. cows are injected with this hormone, and much of their milk is blended at processing plants with the milk from dairies not using it.

In some states, however, consumers can find labels stating that the milk or cheese is rBGH (or rBST) free. Look for those products. Demand those products. Or, request and buy only organically produced or raw milk products, particularly from dairies that allow their cows to graze on grass."

(Notice the USDA has labeled large cheese producers rGBH as safe.)

We are lucky in Enumclaw! Meadowwood's Organic Raw Milk Dairy
has absolutely delicious, fresh raw milk, and seven miles out of town on the Veazie/Cumberland Road is a new raw milk producer Happy Cow is not organic but they call their milk "near organic", and it is delicious too. Feel free to e-mail either of them with questions.

The active enzymes in raw milk assist digestion, and the cream in it reminds me of the delicious, satisfying milk I use to get as a kid!

- above quote from Politically Incorrect Nutrition: Finding Reality in the Mire of Food Industry Propaganda by Michael Barbee. This book can be borrowed through the KC Library system or purchased on-line through Amazon.
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