
"Propaganda: The American Diabetic Association recommends the use of aspartame to lower blood sugar. Consuming aspartame, as opposed to sugar, can reduce body weight.

Reality: Aspartame is linked to many nervous system disorders, as well as to brain cancer, and can exacerbate some symptoms of diabetes. The American Cancer Society has noted that those who use artificial sweeteners gain more weight than those who don't and there is evidence that aspartame is addictive.

Tips: If you suffer from migraines or fibromyalgia symptoms, try eliminating all aspartame and MSG from your diet.

Since nearly all 'diet' or 'sugar free' products contain a harmful sugar substitute, opt for raw honey, maple syrup, molasses, or stevia."

- Politically Incorrect Nutrition: Finding Reality In the Mire of Food Industry Propaganda by Michael Barbee. Available through KC Library system or purchase on-line through Amazon.

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