"The onion species is a subset of the lily family? They may have first been cultivated in Asia or India, but wild onions are native in may localities including North America. The Great Lakes Indians called them She-khe-ony, and it is from this Indian word that the city of Chicago derives its name. Onions are valued for their distinct flavor, which enhances the flavors of other ingredients in any dish; and are a particularly good marriage with bland, starchy foods, such as legumes or potatoes.
Onions contain carotenoids, B complex vitamins---including all-important B6---and vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sulphur compounds. They are universally valued for their medicinal properties, which include improvement of kidney function and antibacterial qualities. According to some researchers, half of a cup of raw onions per day is an excellent means of protecting the blood from a tendency to coagulate and clot. Onions also have been shown to lower elevated blood sugar levels in test animals. Pasteur was the first to recognize that onions have strong antibacterial powers; onions are also helpful in breaking up mucus in the throat, lungs, and nasal passages. Finally, recent research indicates that onions, with their concentrated sulphur compounds, can be useful in treating cancer in some people. Onions also concentrate germanium when it is found in the soil. Germanium acts as an oxygen transporter and has been useful in cancer therapy.
On the other hand, certain yogic diets prohibit the onion because it is said to 'increase body heat and appetites.' This may be because the onion acts as a stimulant to the adrenal glands. Those with weak adrenal grands should eat sparingly of the onion family as should individuals sensitive to sulphur-containing foods.
To peel small onions, remove ends and plunge briefly into boiling water. Skins will then come off easily.
Baked Onions with Pecans
Serves 8
4 large onions, peeled
1 cup chicken stock
3 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1/4 teaspoon paprika
sea salt
1/2 cup crispy pecans
Cut onions in half along the equator and place cut side up in a buttered glass baking dish. Mix stock, butter, honey, lemon rind, and paprika and heat gently until well blended. Season to taste. Pour over onions. Bake, covered, for about 50 minutes at 350 degrees, basting occasionally, until onions are just tender. Remove cover, sprinkle with pecans and bake another 10-15 minutes until lightly browned."
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon
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